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Islamabad Pakistan

About Us

About Us

We Are In A Mission To
Help The Helpness

ROOHANIYAT FOUNDATION is widely recognized as one of the most reliable online donation platforms. We assist individuals in raising funds for the causes and individuals that are most important to them. ROOHANIYAT FOUNDATION is a non-profit organization that runs free medical camps all across Pakistan and offers free medical procedures and treatments.

Become Volunteers

The ROOHANIYAT FOUNDATION requires its volunteers to be at least 18 years old. There is no cap placed on the maximum age. Through cooperation with our well-established charitable organization, consideration may be given to the necessary precautions, education, and experience.

Fundraising for the Healthcare for People in Need in Pakistan

ROOHANIYAT FOUNDATION is a recognized market leader in internet fundraising. With no price to start a campaign and a team of safety professionals supporting you, you may confidently raise funds or make donations.